Geoscience Institute of New Age joined the GEOfood for sustainable development in UNESCO Global Geoparks IGCP Project No. 726 as a Project Steering Committee Member Since March 2020.
The project goal is to carry out research on the link between geoheritage, geodiversity, ecosystem services, food production and sustainable development through the implementation of an innovative brand – GEOfood
Analyzing these relationships in depth is essential to understanding the local identity of a UGGp in all its cultural, social and economic aspects (use of natural-geological resources). This will be used as a basis for developing strategies to fulfill the IGCP broad objective: Increasing understanding of geological processes and concepts of global importance, including an emphasis on socially relevant issues.
For more information on IGCP GeoFood Project Please visit:
For more information on GeoFood please visit: GeoFood Magma Geopark